Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Mysterious Paths


Who would have thought? Guess what, I got in! Not the MSc in Middle East Politics but the MA Near and Middle Eastern Studies Program. My major, and field of my dissertation - God willing - will be 'Modern Trends in Islam' (with Dr Katherine Zebiri).
Not the way I originally planned but it's amazing how it all turned out. I'm actually really excited about the slight change in focus (I'm already dreaming of that Phd afterwards). Alright, now I've decided to stay on course with Cairo, so I've submitted a request to defer my offer until the next academic year. So it's still going to Cairo first then back to SOAS come Fall'10.
Alhamdulillah ya Rabb! Inshallah it'll all work out, fingers crossed ;)

1 comment:

  1. Aaand the request for deferral has been aproved!
    It all seems to be working out :D
